
Technology trends forecast for 2015

/ IT Consultancy
December 29th, 2014

technology trends for 2015

As we are at the end of the year, here is my forecast for the key technology trends for 2015:

1. Mobile exploits will grow significantly

We’ve seen a rise in exploits on mobile devices over the last 12 months, across all platforms. This is just the start of a trend, there’s absolutely no doubt about that. The threat landscape is just too big of a target and the rewards for criminals are too great.

2. Cloud growth continues to spiral up, yet becomes specialised

The issue with cloud providers over the last few years are that the majority have tried to be all things to all businesses. This just hasn’t worked and has instead muddied the water, leaving a bad taste in a great many mouths. Expect cloud to continue to grow, but expect more specialist providers too, i.e. for legal cloud services, finance, DaaS, etc.

3. Big data noise will fade down

Big data was a ridiculously overused term in 2014. Yes, there are some real uses for it, but that only applies to a small percentage of businesses, typically the giants with giant pockets. You can expect the return of the technologies in a few years when all of the investment in research and its applications have been made. It’ll then start to slide down the hill until we get some real figures around ROI. We are seeing a big rise of the term ‘Big Data’ in the legal sector, but a big percentage of this does appear to be business analytics badged as ‘Big Data’.

4. Cloud hype turns to Hybrid Cloud

The cloud has been overhyped since the term was coined. The technologies and business benefits are huge when used in the correct hands. However, the cloud isn’t the answer to every IT requirement. Thankfully the voices of the real engineers and business people out there are coming through the noise now. The cloud for many businesses does deliver but is often best when mixed with say an in-house IT system or another cloud platform, i.e. private cloud.

5. Enterprise security spends

The rise in cyber-crime for financial gain continues to rocket as does the number of devices that come into contact with unprotected networks. This alone is enough to make firms spend more on security. The threats are more worrying than ever, but still, the biggest weakness is the unaware employee. If end-user security education doesn’t pick-up, then breaches will just keep happening.

6. All we’ll hear is IoT

You are probably aware of the new marketing drum beating around the Internet of Things (IoT). This will lead to pressure from all angles to connect non-traditional IT equipment onto the network. There will obviously bring significant challenges, particularly around security. You can also expect the IPv6 spectacle to raise its head again throughout the year in relation to the IoT – as without it the trend could be stifled.

7. The client demands Business Continuity

With the growth of the cloud and IT in general as the core of most businesses, clients are now demanding guarantees around how businesses respond to disasters and disruptions of any size. It’s not uncommon for businesses to be audited around this area or for clients to expect certifications such as ISO 27001 and ISO 22301. Expect a rise in these demands in 2015. Actually, expect them around IT security in general.

8. Apple’s enterprise demise

With the rise of the Microsoft Surface, expect to see Apple devices, particularly the iPad to drop in popularity. The device just can’t compete in terms of productivity. A great device when it came out has been surpassed by other devices that do ‘everything the iPad can’ plus a lot more. This will likely lead to a general weakening of Apple in the enterprise.