
How cloud email archiving can benefit every department

/ IT Consultancy
November 23rd, 2016

benefits cloud email archiving

Email archiving is much more than just another IT solution. By implementing cloud email archiving, every department in your business stands to gain a wealth of benefits. Greater efficiency, streamlined processes and reduced costs are just some of the positive results you will see at a high level.

IT Department

IT Director, IT Manager, Network Manager

  • Eliminates the need for PST files and restorations of individual emails for end-users
  • Reduces the time it takes to back up the email server and allows it to run more efficiently
  • De-duplicates email data and removes it from expensive Tier 1 storage, resulting in reduced storage requirements and lower costs
  • Allows end-users to self-manage their email, for example restoring deleted messages, rather than logging support calls
  • Easy to budget and forecast for
  • Enable authorised personnel – such as the HR Manager – the ability to conduct their own investigations without requiring assistance

Legal and HR Department

Internal/External legal counsel, HR Director, HR Manager

  • A fast and accurate way to search for all emails connected to a particular person, subject, attachment, client etc.
  • Ensures transparency and visibility required for fair HR investigations
  • Greater protection for employee privacy as a fully encrypted audit trail is generated with every search request
  • Manage HR investigations without the need for IT involvement with role-based security permissions and an intuitive search interface
  • A tamper-proof repository ensures the emails you retrieve are reliable and accurate, by removing the ability for users to edit or delete emails

Data Protection and Compliance

Freedom of Information Officer, Compliance Officer, IT Director

  • Provides authorised personnel with access to all email communications, ensuring transparency and visibility
  • Helps the company adhere to FOI legislation, financial regulations, data retention regulations etc.
  • Time-stamping and digital fingerprinting proves the data is authentic and exactly what was sent on/received by any given date

Senior Management

CEO, MD, Directors, Sales Manager, Customer Service Manager

  • Greater protection for the business against data leakage
  • Ensure that policies and procedures are properly enforced to protect intellectual property, patent data, client information etc. and make sure they are only held within the business
  • A greater understanding of how your business uses email e.g. how long does it take the Sales team to respond to a prospective client?