QuoStar is designated a Microsoft Solutions Partner for Data & AI (Azure)

QuoStar is designated a Microsoft Solutions Partner for Data & AI (Azure)

Data sits at the beating heart of any business. How effectively organisations can extract insight and value from it will play a big part in determining their long-term success. It could help to drive more efficient business processes, reduced wastage and enable better-informed, strategic business decisions. Thanks to cloud-powered AI and analytics tools, more organisations than ever have access to potentially transformative, cutting-edge capabilities.

That’s why QuoStar was delighted to be recently designated a Microsoft Solutions Partner for Data & AI, to bolster our existing three Solutions Partner certifications. It means that we now hold all Microsoft Solutions Partner designations for Azure. The announcement is further proof of QuoStar’s expertise in cloud transformation and commitment to empowering clients with the best in Azure data services.

What does it mean?

Being recognised as a Microsoft Solutions Partner for Data & AI reinforces our expertise in Azure data services – enhancing client confidence that their projects are safe in QuoStar’s capable hands. Among other things, partner status denotes a high degree of skill and experience in delivering:

  • Database migration to Azure, or undertaking projects to ensure clients have access to the best Azure offering possible
  • Deployment and guidance on platform-native governance across Azure and inside the managed data
  • Analysis of existing workloads, and extract, transform, load (ETL) operations to migrate data to cloud-based data warehouses and enable cloud-based analytics solutions
  • Ongoing support and optimisation of workloads, helping clients offload performance, cost and reliability concerns
  • Tailored Microsoft analytics solutions using Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure Data Lake, Azure Data Factory and Azure Databricks
  • Client adoption of Al and Azure solutions

From strength to strength

This new Microsoft designation for QuoStar follows similar milestones last year. In May 2023 we announced the Microsoft Solutions Partner for Modern Work designation. It signifies our commitment to helping clients enhance productivity and support the shift to hybrid work using Microsoft 365. Then in June the same year, QuoStar was named a Microsoft Solutions Partner for Infrastructure (Azure) – highlighting our expertise in helping clients migrate their critical infrastructure workloads to Microsoft Azure.

As a Microsoft Solutions Partner, QuoStar will continue to work hand-in-hand with clients to help them optimise their use of data – using the latest Azure-based technologies and in-depth understanding of their business requirements.

To help support these efforts, we’re currently developing a new standardised approached, aligned to Microsoft values, designed to streamline projects and improve outcomes. When complete, it will help by highlighting what methodology a client should follow to better understand how their data is used day-to-day and how they can extract maximum value from it. It will focus on things like data structuring, visibility tooling, governance and cost optimisation alongside AI.

“It is QuoStar’s ongoing investment in its people, process and products that has enabled us to  gain this Solutions Partner for Data & AI accreditation. The new skills our people continue to learn, along with QuoStar’s ‘right person, right role’ ethos, will drive the company’s enduring value for our clients.” 

– Charlie Thompson-Hill, Head of Presales and DevOps

Are you ready to harness the power of data with QuoStar? Get in touch today for a discovery call and a complimentary assessment to learn how we can help you optimise your data across multiple systems, to drive business growth.

Public, Private, or Multi-Cloud: Getting the right mix for your business

For many businesses, the challenge with IT generally and with Cloud specifically, is one of complexity and choice. There are simply too many options to choose from, leaving firms uncertain about how to make good strategic choices.

Competitive pressures, cost control and a need for businesses to be more agile and responsive are all good reasons to invest in Cloud. The pandemic only accelerated this trend with new investments in IT projects promising to deliver radical improvements to core business processes in terms of greater control and reduced costs. Alongside this, a Cloud platform can also bring with it new threats, most obviously to security, with ransomware a persistent and growing risk which can threaten the reputation and even the viability of an enterprise. More broadly, new challenges in Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (GRC) arise for which most businesses are ill equipped.

The Risks of Following the Herd

Against this background, making the right choice is challenging, as it is unlikely that an internal IT team is up to speed on the best options as well as the challenges and pitfalls which can arise.

Fear and uncertainty can then become the main drivers behind Cloud investment and “strategy” sometimes amounts to little more than following prevailing wisdom in the sector. This very often means a wholesale commitment to a Public Cloud platform from one of the globally recognised brands such as Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).  Whilst this often seems like a safe choice, an exclusive commitment to one provider or platform can result in a spiralling costs and IT systems which drift from the specific requirements of a business.

A common problem arises when proprietary applications which are essential to the smooth running of a business, are transferred to a Public Cloud platform and poorly integrated with other applications. Far from improved productivity, this often leads to poorer performance which can impact profitability.

All of his can lead to a stand-off between frustrated IT teams and sceptical senior management.

Choosing a Cloud Platform which fits your Business

At QuoStar, we do not think there is a “one size fits all” approach to Cloud.  Every business is unique with its own specific challenges and its own commercial strategy. We have been designing, building and managing Cloud platforms for over 15 years, in each case ensuring that our clients get platforms which are fit for purpose.

We always start with understanding what a business is trying to achieve.  With a clear business context, we apply analysis to assess the requirement for Cloud or, if Cloud platforms are already in place, to uncover opportunities for better security, stability, and effectiveness. Our assessment also delves into licencing and resource allocation to find ways to reduce spend whilst maintaining quality.

A Platform Agnostic Approach

Crucially, we are platform agnostic which means that we will always propose the right mix of Public, Private and Multi-Cloud to fit the needs of a business. Whether the need is for a single virtual server in a Private Cloud, or a global hybrid environment incorporating Public, Private and on-premise platforms, we can deliver a robust managed service. This is underpinned by our true purpose-built Multi-Cloud platform which, together with our clients, our engineers can deploy over the short or long term.

At the heart of our service is an elite team of Cloud professionals, each with 10 years’ experience in delivering Cloud platforms. We know that no single enterprise can have all the specialist IT skills to keep their systems running, so QuoStar can support IT teams through their transformation journey and help them to develop.

Empowering Businesses to Exploit the Potential of Cloud

We are committed to empowering clients to exploit their expanding Cloud capabilities and have earned recognition for our comprehensive Cloud training programs which bridge the skills gaps in their IT teams. We partner with these teams and facilitate knowledge sharing as demands on them increase. Our selection as a nominee for Cloud Services Provider of the Year Award at the 2023 CRN Channel Awards highlights the quality of service we consistently deliver to our clients.

We also recognise that the success of our solutions extends beyond the technology itself. For example, GRC is second nature to us, so we make it a priority to support our clients with systems and processes which embed best practice and provide year-round support.

Your business isn’t generic, and neither should your Cloud solution be.

Schedule an initial consultation with a QuoStar Cloud specialist.

Why an Azure Managed Service is essential

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, more and more businesses are turning to cloud solutions be that private or public to streamline their operations and stay competitive. Azure is one of the most popular cloud computing platforms on the market, providing a wealth of benefits for businesses of all sizes. However, managing Azure can be complex and time-consuming, especially for organisations without in-house IT resources. That’s where an Azure managed service from a managed service provider (MSP) like QuoStar comes in. In this blog post, we explore why an Azure managed service is critical for any business using Azure.

Cost Control

One of the primary benefits is cost control. Azure provides a wide range of pricing options and services, making it easy for businesses to overspend if not managed carefully. An MSP can help optimise Azure usage, identify unnecessary costs, and recommend cost-saving measures. They can assist in selecting the right Azure services based on specific needs, adjusting usage patterns, and leveraging cost-saving opportunities such as reserved instances.

Furthermore, an Azure managed service helps accurately forecast Azure expenses, enabling effective budget planning. This aspect is particularly crucial for small and medium-sized businesses that may lack the resources to handle unexpected costs.


Security is another crucial consideration for businesses utilising Azure. As cyber threats evolve and become more sophisticated, having a robust security strategy in place is paramount. An Azure managed service can help implement best practices for Azure security, including identity and access management, network security, data encryption, and more. They also keep you updated with the latest changes, security patches, and updates to minimise the risk of security breaches and data loss.

A sophisticated Azure managed service, provided by the right MSP, can monitor your Azure environment for suspicious activity and proactively address security threats. This capability is especially important for businesses operating in regulated industries where data security is critical, such as legal or finance.

Technical Landscape

The technical landscape of Azure is constantly developing, with new features and services introduced regularly. For businesses, this presents both opportunities for innovation and challenges in keeping up with the ever-changing Azure ecosystem. An MSP can help navigate this landscape, stay up to date with the latest Azure features, and provide recommendations on how they can benefit your business. They can also help you avoid common pitfalls, such as overprovisioning or underutilising Azure services.


Automation plays a crucial role in an MSP’s services. Implementing automation on their own can be challenging and time-consuming for businesses. Automation saves time and resources, increases efficiency, and reduces the risk of errors. An MSP can automate routine tasks like patching, backups, and monitoring, allowing businesses to focus on their core operations. It also facilitates the deployment of correct frameworks and enables quick responses to security threats, minimising the risk of data loss or downtime.

Why QuoStar’s Managed Service

At QuoStar, we offer a comprehensive Azure managed service that blends automation and advanced monitoring, ensuring consistent and high-quality support. We’re committed to delivering personalised assistance to each of our clients, taking the time to understand their unique needs and tailoring our services accordingly. Here’s what sets us apart:

  • Azure expertise: Our seasoned team of Azure experts goes beyond the basics, covering everything from Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) to Platform as a Service (PaaS). Benefit from the depth of our Azure knowledge.
  • Microsoft Solutions Partner: We’re not just another service provider; we are a Microsoft Solutions Partner for Infrastructure (Azure).
  • Industry recognition: Finalists for Cloud Services Provider of the Year at the CRN Channel Awards 2023, which shows that we’re among the best at what we do.
  • 24/7/365 support: Count on our UK-based support team to be there when you need them, ensuring your cloud environment runs smoothly around the clock. Rest easy knowing expert assistance is always within reach.
  • Risk-free assessment: Take advantage of our complimentary Azure assessment; if no significant issues are found, there’s no charge.

Don’t let the complexities of Azure management overwhelm you. With QuoStar’s Azure Managed Service, you can confidently take control of costs, ensure security, and smoothly navigate Azure.

Experience Azure’s benefits for cloud success.

Start a conversation with us or book your risk-free assessment today. Whether you need Azure consultancy or ongoing managed services, we’re here to assist you at every phase of your Azure journey. Take the first step towards a more efficient Azure solution, supported by a trusted partner.

Microsoft Solutions Partner for Infrastructure and Finalists for Cloud Services Provider of the Year at the CRN Channel Awards 2023