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quostar is a microsoft gold partner
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QuoStar gets gold partner green lights from Microsoft

Aug 15, 2011
quostar is a microsoft gold partner

For the third year running, Bournemouth and London based IT Services provider QuoStar has achieved a full flush of Green Lights in a recent Microsoft Gold Partner Customer Satisfaction Index survey.

Microsoft Gold Partners are judged on a number of criteria in five key performance areas that measure customer satisfaction. TNS, one of the world’s largest market research companies, administers the survey independently, on behalf of Microsoft.

TNS talked to QuoStar’s clients to determine the level of satisfaction. The survey generates a score in each area, which is compared to the average for all Gold Partners. A higher than average score results in a green light on the Microsoft ‘Dashboard’. QuoStar achieved all five green lights.

Currently, participation in the Microsoft customer survey is voluntary. However, QuoStar has been happy to engage since becoming a Gold Partner. “We had no hesitation in signing up for it from our very first year after securing Gold accreditation back in 2006. It’s right that they talk to our clients; now we know it was our customers who decided we’d made the grade again,” says a delighted Rob Rutherford, CEO of QuoStar.

Its importance is not lost on the QuoStar team. “For a start, it helps us understand and act on customer satisfaction and loyalty information, and to remain competitive by benchmarking our industry performance,” Rutherford explains. “Had the survey picked up any weaknesses or areas of customer dissatisfaction, we’d be able to put things right immediately. As it didn’t, it shows us that we’re delivering what our clients want, which hopefully makes it important to them as well.”

Microsoft states that Gold Certified Partners “…represent the highest level of competence and expertise with Microsoft technologies and have the closest working relationship with Microsoft.”. Rutherford and his team see participation by customers as an advantage that ensures QuoStar maintains this ‘highest level of competence’.

Microsoft’s five key performance areas are NSAT (Net Satisfaction Rating ), customer segmentation, revenue impact, customer loyalty and overall performance. They have now decided to mandate the survey for Gold Partners every year, something that Rutherford looks forward to. “I’m keen to see how some of our so-called competitors measure up,” he added wryly.