10 quick tips to prevent Bring Your Own Device policies from being a burden
If you are considering a Bring Your Own Device – or BYOD – policy for your business then there are several considerations you need to keep in mind.
Don’t just announce the policy and let employees start using their personal device for all work-related tasks. Sure there are benefits, but you will only realise these will a well-thought-out policy, which is openly shared with all.
1. Understand and measure the business benefit. Don’t just do it because the devices look nice.
2. Don’t store any data on the devices if possible. If you have to then ensure it’s encrypted.
3. Think about Internet controls within the business. You need to ensure that people remain productive.
4. Understand what you will do if the device has a fault or fails. How will that employee work for a day or two?
5. Keep installs on the device to a minimum. The more you install the more you have to manage, secure and support.
6. Make sure your wireless will support the additional devices. Many existing wireless solutions won’t cope with the load.
7. Isolate the devices from your network, even when in the office. You can’t control their security so zone them off.
8. Know which devices you will support. Don’t just allow anyone to use any device to connect.
9. Update your acceptable use policies. Employees need to know what their responsibilities are.
10. Plan your infrastructure first. Don’t just allow devices access, and then identify risks and controls as you go along.
If you are not sure if BYOD will work for you, then you could consider CYOD instead. Choose Your Own Device gives employees’ a level of freedom whilst still allowing the business to retain central control.