Unlocking Hidden Value:

Business Data - How to find it, mine it, and monetise it

LIVE WEBINAR: On Demand Playback

Data-driven decision making offers many strategic advantages. Once you begin collecting and analysing data you'll find it's easier to be more confident about your decisions, you'll become more proactive, and you'll have the potential to achieve significant cost-savings.

Businesses have never created, nor had access, to such a wealth of data as they do today. But the potential, and the real value, of this data, is yet to be realised. Join QuoStar's Head of Consultancy, Chris White, for this free live webinar to learn how you can become more data-driven and make more informed decisions based on the most up-to-date information.

Register for access to the live webinar recording to find out:

  • Why is data-driven decision making vital in today's environment?
  • Techniques and tools to access and mine your data for actionable insights
  • Understanding and using your data
  • Monetising your data
  • How you can use data to quickly adapt your business to changing conditions
  • The role of AI & machine learning
  • Real-life examples of businesses using data to make more effective decision making


Chris White, Head of Consultancy at QuoStar

Head of Consultancy